Tuesday, November 27, 2007

LIfe Lessons learned from senselessness

Eventually I will get to blogging about my mundane life. Well, a life that is becoming less mundane. I'll be back to writing and living life and sharing it with you but first, I have to address a profound sadness. It's just such a solemn day here in my hometown so this blog post is dedicated to The Redskins Nation.

In Memory of Sean Taylor, 21

This is such a bittersweet day for me personally and a devastating day for the entire Washington, DC metropolitan area. One of our brightest stars, I mean that literally because he shined, has died out. Sean Taylor, just twenty-four years of age was shot and killed in his home. He wasn't just another young black man killed like so many young black men are for making poor decisions. He was a young man rebuilding his life, shot down while trying to protect his family in his home. IN HIS HOME!!! A home that he worked hard, whether it was through playing a silly game or making it through college and dealing with the issues that men twice his age have not. I would hope that his death will make at least one young man who thinks it's better to pick up a pen, a book or a ball than to be so selfish and angry at a person for working his way to success that they would kill them.

I may seem angrier than I should but I am speaking as a person who survived the same exact injury. I was not shot but fourteen years ago at the very same age that this young man lost his life, I myself had my femoral artery severed while fending a knife-wielding assailant off. Because I was in shock, I don't remember the pain and my only hope is that Sean did not suffer either. I'm telling this intimate detail about myself to make a point. I am not a victim. I refuse to be because I am still alive. Sean is forever gone. There is no explanation good enough for me that answers the question of why he was taken at so young an age. Children are mourning, fans and teammates are mourning and a little girl is without her father. There by the grace of God it could've been me, I thought. But it wasn't. God must've needed an angel, a guardian up there and he must've had other plans for me.

So, I guess the motto of this rant:

Life is so fleeting. It can end in seconds and for the people left behind, live it and live it well. Live it and live it with kindness. That's what Sean did. He played every game to the fullest and toward the end, he lived his life the same way. I hope that the youth of this world will learn that same lesson.

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