Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Guess what I found?

Me. I found me.

I have been fast at work writing and creating my web page. Within the last year, I taught myself a lot about me. I found that, although, I can be a major procrastinator, if I focus and stop running around like the proverbial chicken sans head, I can actually accomplish a lot. You know the type of person that's always running around looking like they are doing a lot but they are actually running around in circles doing nothing but wasting precious time? Yep, that was mwah. I had to stop, catch a breath and reevaluate what I was doing.

I've learned that as a mother, it is okay to put oneself first. Actually, it's a definite must. I have alway put someone's needs before my own but you know what?.....if you don't put yourself first sometimes, you can lose yourself and then you're no good to anyone.

That was my first lesson in the next step of my life. Maybe it's because I just celebrated a birthday. I'm not sure but I've been asking a lot of questions as I head into the next level of my adult life. Like, how does one juggle being a stay-at-home mom and starting a sometimes scary thing like stepping out of one's box and learning new tricks. I'm not sure but I'd going to do it anyways.

I've never been a stickler for schedules. I've always flown by the seat of my pants but after looking around my home at the clutter my family has accrued, I realized that I maybe I should try living by one. Through that, I have been able to actually free myself up to be available more. I know, that shocked me too.

For my birthday, my husband bought me iLife for my Mac and upgraded Photoshop. Yeah, it might not seem like a big deal but it was one of the greatest gifts he's given me because, within the last year while finding myself and learning new things, this woman who thought her life, though full of love, seemed mundane. I discovered my life wasn't mundane, I was just living it that way. Sometimes I need a kick in the ass.

Last year, I starting thinking about the fact that I was once a vibrant, creative woman who could paint, draw, write and do whatever I wanted even without parents who thought I could, but that's a different story. Well, this year, I realized that woman was still here. She was inside me screaming for release. Well, be prepare world, here she comes.

Check out what else I learned how to do at my new website that I created myself after teaching myself how.

And thanks to a special friend, Miss Laura Haines for helping me get over my fear of photoshop and giving me pointers.

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