Monday, April 05, 2010

Another Manic Motherhood Monday

Good Easter Monday morning.

It's 10:00 a.m. and I feel like I have already put in a days work. My alarm clock was the sound of my favorite vehicle, the green and white Peapod truck. The loud and steady beep as it backed into my driveway was music to my ears though I'm sure my neighbors would disagree as it arrived at 6:00 a.m. Trick one to taking the pain out of fighting long lines at the grocery store, have them delivered. It's the way a lot of stay-at-home mom's did things years ago. Mind you, I went to bed at one thirty in the morning so I laid down on the couch so I would not oversleep. Little one woke up with a tummy ache and a fever so I knew that we would not be making our long awaited walk up to school this morning.

Second ingredient to a manic Monday, putting the groceries away and waking the birthday boy, my seventeen year-old son up to begin his day at 6:30. Then, clean out the crate of a one hundred and ten pound sick Great Dane puppy whom I had just put out at fifteen minutes before. I guess it made more since for her to come back inside and get sick in her crate. I must remember to thank hubby when he gets back from his three to four week long business trip for leaving her in my care. 7:00 a.m., make sure seventeen year-old boy actually has all of his school needs before sending him out the door and then run upstairs to check on little one only to find that her fever has spiked. Add Motrin and tears and we now have frizzled haired Mom meets frazzled nerved lunatic as the doorbell rings and sick dog has jumped neighbors fence again. Apologies are given and the neighbor accepts with a fearful look on their face and thoughts that maybe they should slip a package of Prozac in my mailbox.

It's 8:15 a.m. Next on the to do list, shower. Oops, doorbell. The delivery guy delivered part of my order to the wrong address. Sigh. Now I have a few more groceries to put away. At least, I have a moment to have a cup of coffee. Coffee cup you say? Not a clean one in sight. Time to do the dishes.

9:00 am, the doorbell again. The furniture repair guy is an hour early and the landscaping company is pulling up to inspect and give me an estimate. For some reason, I don't care what the cost is but I have another one coming tomorrow. Did someone say coffee?

Alas, everyone is gone now. What's next on my manic Monday? Laundry? Vacuuming? Rewrites and edits? Coffee!

Hey, the day has just begun.

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