Friday, October 13, 2006

On writing.......

So, I've decided to put my fantasies, desires, dreams and the other entralls within me to good use. I am going to put it all on paper, cleanse my soul and hopefully write a story compelling enough that people will want to enter my mind and go along for the ride. I have decided to join this month. That's National Novel Writing Month for those of you who aren't in the know. Talk about a challenge. Writing can be like homework. You hate it sometimes and have to force yourself to get through it but, by God, when you see that "A", the accomplishment, it was so worth it in the end. Nano challenges you to the very core. Competition Baby!!!!! When you see that someone else out there in cyberland has written more words than you it is off to the races. Winner takes all. I am so ready for it.

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