Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Season's change

as does life. I can feel the change coming. The vibrancy and energy of the summer season is starting to dwindle as life slows and things feel like they are getting back to normal. I can see it on my kids faces that they don't dread the school year. They are looking forward to it. The excitement on my middle child, my son's face as one aspect of his life starts to end and a more aware and exciting era begins. He's at that point where boy becomes man. His senior year. I see that sweet, sensitive boy turning into a strong and caring man and find myself in awe at how time is a beautiful thing. He is no longer that angry child. He walks with a surety that I hope serves him well this year.

My oldest started her second semester of college. Determination is in her eyes and the past struggles seem to be dissipating as she grows and learns and realizes that her dad and I really do know what we are talking about. At least that's where things are right now.

My youngest frets. She is a perfectionist with more drive than the engine of a Formula 500 car fresh of the assembly line. Instead of taking the summer off like most nine year-olds, she decided to hone her craft. She is a dancer and gymnast and my hero. When most adults would quit or when I would try to get her to slow down, she'd insist on going on. "Mom, I'm fine. Let me do it. I can do it."

My kids are my heroes. They are teaching me that with enough determination, I can do what I want too.

As the seasons are changing and the cycle of life continues, so do we as people. This summer my life was busier than ever but it was the first time in a long time that I still took time to stop, reflect and take it all in. Now, after a busy summer and a fabulous and much needed vacation, I feel rejuvenated. My creative muse is screaming at me and it feels wonderful.

Life is good. Family is forever and season's are always changing. Changing for the better.