Saturday, December 15, 2007

What am I doing? Am I crazy for doing it?

So what, I'm still working on my first novel? Why is it that the people who have no interest in doing anything but sitting in front of their television sets or searching the Internet for mundane articles about celebrities who are even more pathetic than they are the first to ask you questions like....So are you published yet? Are you STILL writing that book? Geez, I thought you'd be done by now. .....As if I'm just sitting in front of a television watching static. Sometimes the static is inside my head. My characters are trying to live their lives inside my mind while I'm trying to live mine outside. Only a writer would understand my quandary.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Afraid of rejection, you might ask? Hell yes but I'm more afraid of disappointing myself. The story has to work for me first. I am my own biggest critic. A perfectionist who is not satisfied with the mundane. My goal is to finish this book by the end of April. Then I can send it to editors and then maybe, I'll get published so that all those couch potatoes can come from behind the television screen and computer monitors and widen their imaginations through mine. In the meantime, since you're on the computer check out my website: I just added a short story. One of my characters decided to take a detour.

Now, it's time for me to get back on that track.

Merry Christmas!

My world, my blog......